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المجلة الدولية للعلوم القانونية والمعلوماتية
An International Journal
  الرئيسية من نحن الأخبار المجلات المؤتمرات الكتب اتصل بنا

Vol. 04 > Jun. 2021


Criminal Liability of Deliberate Crimes Arising from Transmitting the Novel Coronavirus Infection: in the Bahraini Penal Code

PP: 81-90
Abdulbaset Alhakimi, Omar Fakhri Al- Hadithi,
The novel Coronavirus (covid-19) disease is proven to be a serious epidemic, whether in terms of its effects or because of its rapid spread and the infection that results from it, which may be achieved by contact between infected people and others, or because of contamination of certain places exposed to contact by individuals. Therefore, some infected people may intentionally attempt to spread the disease to others, leading to their death, sickness or any other consequences that may be deemed as criminal acts. These are encouraged to commit such criminal acts, as they are difficult to prove. Therefore, the legislator is required to confront these acts with general or special criminalizing texts. Thus criminalizing the commission of homicide by deliberate transmission of the virus from an infected to a healthy individual, and criminalizing inflicting a permanent disability on a healthy individual, or causing permanent total or partial damage to any of his organs, or even deliberately compromising his physical wellbeing. Therefore, we find the topic of the Criminal Liability of Deliberate Crimes Arising from Transmitting the Novel Coronavirus Infection in the Bahraini Penal Code is worthy of study. The significance of the research lies in identifying the necessity to apply the special punitive law and highlighting the applicability of the provisions of the Penal Code to the acts leading to the spread of the novel coronavirus.

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